

Facilitate coaching and mentoring relationships for early career pastors. Mentors will be thriving pastors who possess spiritual maturity and emotional intelligence, and have demonstrated the desire to encourage early career pastors;

Offer guidance to early and mid-career pastors at challenging transitions seeking to expand their ministry influence into the local community and denomination.

Continue to facilitate mentoring and coaching early career pastors for up to three years by helping negotiate key transitions which might be points of conflict and discouragement;

Provide web-based conferencing, seminars, coaching and mentoring in an effort to resource participants with sustainable solutions.

PTS Thrive will network all educational assets of the Church of God in order to recruit pastoral candidates for ongoing ministerial enrichment, coaching, and mentoring. The goal is to ensure thriving in the first years of pastoral ministry. This program includes PTS graduates and non-seminarian pastors facing challenges and transition points in order to help them and their congregations thrive as well.

Thriving pastoral ministry incorporates the responsibilities of prophet (pastor theologian), priest (soul-care giver), and king (wise administration) in a manner that encourages the congregation to embrace the mission of Jesus Christ. 

Thriving pastoral ministry promotes the pastor's, and the pastoral family's, health, security, and affirmation. This includes assisting the pastor develop influence, nurture integrity, develop emotional intelligence, grow in spiritual formation, model Christian leadership, lead change, manage conflict, understand organizational culture, promote team development, and plan for personal development.

PTS Thrive is a three phase mentoring/coaching process defined as
Surviving, Sustaining, and Thriving.


This is short-term crisis intervention in which a mentor engages a minister in order to equip with helpful skills and competencies to respond to immediate challenges and transitions. The mentor will us on the minister’s formation, family, and context. Mentoring will include one-on-one and group sessions between coaches and participants over a six-month period.


This continues the mentoring process with the goal of sustaining the intervention through resource development, development of initiatives, and assessing progress. In this stage the mentee/client becomes increasingly self-directed by learning to identify and utilize resources currently available in ministry. The mentor will take on a consultative role helping the mentee/client identify and develop a strategic plan for ministry. This is a second six month process with a decreasing emphasis on mentoring concurrent with an increasing emphasis on coaching.


A coaching process in which the minister moves from sustained intervention to thriving and building resilience for encountering future transitions in ministry. Clients will be provided the tools needed to engage in a coaching relationship through the use of powerful questions and accountability strategies so that they might become self-directed and empowered thriving pastors. This is a third six month process in which the client becomes coach.